The Exit: Leaving this World
Note:Will there be a rapture of the church prior to a time of great distress? The Second Coming of Christ, the end times and the view of a "rapture" are controversial. Faithful, dedicated believers can be found on both sides of the question--many believe there will be an "escape"; many others believe not. This author believes there will be a rapture.
In the interest of balance, we also include a link to an article on the opposite view; please read Bible Information Online's page regarding the non-rapture and Second Coming of Christ.
The Rapture is a promise of hope and
comfort to the Church, that someday very soon,
at the blowing of a trumpet and the shout of an
archangel, Jesus will appear in the sky and take
His Church, both living and dead, to Heaven. It
was an event the first century Christians were
looking for; some had thought they had
missed what Paul calls the day of Christ (2
Thess. 2:3). This event then, was and is,
imminent, and without preceding signs,
particularly the signs Jesus said would precede
His second coming (Matt. 24:40-44). The second
coming is when He returns with His saints,
who are already in heaven, to stand on Mt. Olives,
to do battle and to pass judgement (Zech.
14, Joel 3:12-16, Rev 19:11-21, Mal 4:5).
The term, Rapture, comes from a Latin word that
means to catch up, to snatch away, or to
take out. It is a Biblical word that comes right
out of the Latin Vulgate translation of the Bible.
The word is found in 1 Thessalonians 4:17. In the
New American Standard Version,
the English phrase, "caught up," is used. The same
phrase is used in the King James and New
International Versions.
The most detailed revelation of the actual events
related to the Rapture is given by Paul in 1
Thessalonians 4:13-18. He says that when Jesus
appears, the dead in Christ (Church age
saints) will be resurrected and caught up first.
Then, those of us who are alive in Christ will be
translated "to meet the Lord in the air." Paul
then exhorts us to "comfort one another
with these words."
There are several views concerning the rapture, or
catching up,
of the church as the Bride of Christ. All
proponents of the various
viewpoints are in agreement concerning one point:
whether pre-,
mid- or post-tribulation rapture, the rapture
of the church
is imminent!
Scriptures which specifically address the rapture
of the church
are presented here. You strongly are urged
to review these
references yourself within the context of each
scriptural presentation
so that you may have a basis for examining the
respective viewpoints.
The Bible cautions us to "Be diligent to present
approved to God, a worker who does not need to be
ashamed, rightly
dividing the word of truth.",
The Rapture and End Times on the Web
Following is a list of Web sites that we have
visited and find
interesting. We do not endorse one proponent over
another, but
list them here as worth your time to investigate.
Remember that our conviction in reference
to the Rapture
does not determine the status of our salvation and
of our sins. We are saved ALONE through
our belief in
the substitutional death of Jesus Christ on the
cross who died
for our sins as we accept this sacrifice in faith,
believing that
His shed blood covers all of our personal sins.
Receive great comfort in this belief, knowing that
since our
sins have been forgiven we are brought back into
the family of
God as beloved children. God is our FATHER. God is
LOVE. God will
provide for us and ultimately bring us to Himself
as His beloved
children. Jesus promised us that He has sent the
Holy Spirit to
guide and comfort us at all times and that He will
never leave
us nor forsake us.
Until our catching away to Himself we are in the
world which currently
is swayed by Satan as he attempts to wrench souls
into his grasp.
Our human propensity to sin brings us all under
his control until
we make it into the family of God through
forgiveness of our sins
through the blood of Jesus Christ as we believe in
Him. Remember
that those Christians who currently giving their
lives for their
testimony in the Sudan, in China and other regions
of the world
are going through their own private
"tribulation" which
is no worse for them than the coming great
tribulation which will
come upon the whole world in the Antichrist's
reign of terror,
shortly to be unveiled.
Irrespective of the true rapture date(s) it is
important that
as Christians awaiting the rapture we keep our
robes spotless,
uncontaminated by the cares and temptations of
this world, washed
white in the blood of the lamb through confession
of sins as they
are committed. We should remember I John 1:6-10,
"If we say
that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in
darkness, we lie
and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in
the light as
He is in the light, we have fellowship with one
another, and the
blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all
sin. If we
say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and
the truth is
not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful
and just to
forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all
If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a
liar, and His
word is not in us."
We need to believe God to make us strong in the
face of temptation
so that we do not succumb to the urge to do, speak
or neglect
to perform according to His perfect will. The
rapture will occur
on our way to the marriage of the Lamb of God
(Jesus) with His
bride (the church or body of Christ). It is to be
expected that
the bride will present herself in purity of
thought, word and
deed. This can only happen as we present our
failings in confession
to God the Father through the blood of Jesus. God
is just waiting
for us to confess our sins in repentence before
Remember that He will not be surprised to learn of
our sins as
we confess them. He knows all about them all
along. The decision
to confess and repent, however, rests with us as
free-will agents.
As a just God, He ALWAYS will forgive at our
request, according
to His promise. However, as a just God, our
refusal to acknowledge
our failings, as rebellious children, will result
in diminishment
of rewards in Heaven, even though we maintain our
basic salvation
from eternal banishment from His presence
If some of the rapture theorists are correct, this
to walk closely with the Lord according to His
expressed will
in the Bible will impact upon our selection as to
which rapture
we access - if there is, in fact, more than one
rapture. No one
can deny, on the other hand, that a close
spiritual walk with
God is greatly to be desired.
Finally, despite all of the "sturm
und drang"
re the rapture, it WILL occur on the date that our
Father God
already has determined.
God be with you; the Holy Spirit guide you, in
your review. Even
so, come quickly, Lord Jesus. Revelation 22:20.
Jean Kincaid